About Karen Kwiatkowski, PhD
BIOGRAPHY: Kwiatkowski began her military career in 1978 as a second lieutenant
in the United States Air Force. She served at Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska, providing logistical support to missions along
the Chinese and Russian coasts. She served tours in Spain and Italy, Kwiatkowski was then assigned to the Nation Security
Agency, eventually becoming a highly respected speechwriter for the agency's director. After leaving the NSA, she became an
an analyst on sub-Saharan Africa policy for the Pentagon. From May, 2002 to February 2003, she served in the Pentagon's Near
East and South Asia directorate (NESA).While at NESA, she wrote a series of anonymous articles, "Insider Notes from the
Pentagon", that appeared on the website of David Hackworth. Kwiatkowski was in her office inside the Pentagon when it
was tragically attacked on September 11, 2001. Colonel Kwiatkowski left NESA
in February, 2003 and after 20 years of service, retired from the Air Force the following month. In April 2003, she began
writing a series of articles for the libertarian website LewRockwell.com. In June of that year, she published an article in
the Ohio Beacon Journal, "Career Officer Does Eye-Opening Stint Inside Pentagon" which attracted international
notice. Kwiatkowski is primarily noted for openly and publicly denouncing what she sees as a corrupting political influence
on the course of military intelligence leading up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Her most comprehensive writings on this
subject appeared in a series of articles in The American Conservative magazine in December 2003 and in a March 2004
article on Salon.com. Kwiatkowski has become a respected columnist for various international media outlets.
She continues to be a regular contributor to Lewrockwell.com and has had articles about her work with the Department of Defense
published in the American Conservative. She has hosted the popular call-in radio show American Forum, and blogs for the
Huffingtonpost.com and Liberty and
Power. She has taught classes
with the University of Maryland and The American Public University System. She also has served as an adjunct
faculty member in Political Science at James Madison University. PREVIOUS: · Retired from the active duty USAF
as a Lieutenant Colonel. · Political-military affairs officer in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Under
Secretary for Policy, in the Sub-Saharan Africa and Near East South Asia (NESA) Policy directorates. ·
Worked on the North Africa desk at the Pentagon. · Served on the Air Force Staff, Operations Directorate at the
Pentagon. · Served on the staff of the Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) at Fort Meade. ·
Served tours in Alaska, Massachusetts, Spain and Italy. EDUCATION: · MA in Government from
Harvard. · MS in Science Management from the University of Alaska. · Completed both Air Command
and Staff College and the Naval War College seminar programs. · Holds a Ph.D. in World Politics from Catholic
University of America. BOOKS: · African Crisis Response Initiative: Past Present and Future
(US Army Peacekeeping Institute, 2000) · Expeditionary Air Operations in Africa: Challenges and Solutions (Air
University Press, 2001) PERSONAL: Colonel Kwiatkowski lives on a small farm in western Virginia
with her husband and three of her four children.
Karen Kwiatkowski, PhD |

Time for Central Virginia to have real representation in congress - 2012! |

Q. Why are you drafting Karen Kwiatkowski for congress? Citizens
have lost faith in unaccountable government. Career politicians that stay in office longer than promised have lost touch with
the demands of their constituents. Instead, they represent a minority: the elite ruling class.
In the
Pentagon on September 11, 2001, Karen Kwiatkowski has decided not to watch from the sidelines. She has reported what she saw
firsthand, and continued a column in LewRockwell.com to advocate for liberty and rational government. Now Karen is stepping
into the electoral arena to earn your support to send her to congress in 2012. She anticipates a formal announcement after
the redistricting process is complete.
About Karen Columnist Karen
Kwiatkowski, Ph.D. (World Politics), a retired USAF lieutenant colonel, essentially blew the whistle on the falsehoods she
witnessed at the Pentagon in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq.
Karen is a true American heroine. She is not
shy about pointing out the abuses and institutional impediments to good government. She questions authority and urges that
all Americans do the same. She is optimistic that the people will eventually rise up to challenge the force and fear that
government employs to maintain control.
She suggests that justice will be served because people have a natural,
inborn contempt for those who take without giving. While the minority communities have always known that there were two sets
of justice, the increasing impediments to allowing our citizens to be productive, to build businesses, to learn, to write,
to invent will eventually create a backlash.
Karen’s shares Gary Johnson’s
goal to make out-of-control spending the most important issue in 2012. Even after some small cuts in the current congress,
we will still need to challenge incumbents for not having gone far enough.
Lisa, Joe, Mary, Jackie, Ponch,
Cindy, Adam, John, Michael, Susan, Adam, Pat, Shaun, Max, Stuart, Greg, Tammy and dozens of others.
of Karen Kwiatkowski” Listen to Karen in her own words here.